About Us

We empower families to thrive through home visiting and parent support.
Children's earliest experiences shape their lives. At Healthy Families Florida, we focus on relationships and family-centered practice, building trusting bonds with families to help them set and achieve their goals. Expertly trained home visitors help families mitigate life challenges, address trauma, and become the best parents they can be. Healthy Families is free and always voluntary.
Healthy Families Florida is proven to prevent abuse and neglect.
Healthy Families Florida (HFF) prevents abuse by empowering families to create safe, stable, nurturing homes where their children thrive. Ongoing evaluation of the program shows that:
Healthy Families Florida strengthens families.
Last year, Healthy Families Florida's 38 community-based sites served 9,444 families and their 17,265 children with state funding and local contributions. Parents and children who participate in the program show positive outcomes in many domains, including family self-sufficiency, health, mental health and child development.
Healthy Families Florida is Prevention that saves lives and money.
Decades of research on Healthy Families (in Florida and nationally) shows evidence of effectiveness. Engaging families early promotes healthy child development, increases family stability, and avoids the high human and financial cost of adverse childhood experiences.
The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida administers Healthy Families Florida through service contracts with 35 community-based agencies in 67 counties (45 counties in their entirety and 22 counties in the highest-risk ZIP codes). The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida provides support to local implementing agencies through training, technical assistance, quality assurance, policy, data collection, and evaluation. Many Healthy Families Florida sites provide enhanced services including in-home mental health counseling, in-home behavioral health navigation services, or Plans of Safe Care for families with a substance-exposed infant. Locate a site near you by finding your city or county on our interactive map. Staff names, titles, and email addresses are available on our organizational chart.